Being back in India officially sucks. No, not complaining about the potty roads. Nope, not the obscene traffic or the strangling pollution. It's having to rely completely on my parents again that is hurting. I don't think I will ever be used to the 'pocket-money' funda in life again. How does one wait to be doled out money in instalments, be monitored consequently about the expenditure ("500 rupees gone? what did you do with it!") and feel guilty about it all the same?
I burnt a hole in my pocket yesterday that threatened to swallow my pants whole. Some would try and find some justification for it, but you would generally draw the following reaction (and I quote) "How much? On WHAT? Jeeeeeez!" Thus is tainted my long-sought after 'Cutting and Highlighting Hair Experiment'.
My hair, untouched by any sharp object for about 5 months, had begun to show signs of neglect. Add to that my mother's constant nagging about how I looked unkempt. So a haircut was long in order. I have never done anything apart from that to my hair in my *beep* years of life.
Now, for quite a lot of females of my acquaintance, shopping and a trip to the salon are healing, rejuvenating activities. Having not subscribed to that notion till now, I decided maybe
that was what was missing in my life. So I took the bold step of highlighting my hair.
5 hours, 3 dozen aluminium foils, 3 assistants and 1 wash later, I am a new woman (uh.....). One of the assistants is (appropriately) oohing and aahing all over me, the hairdresser insists the cut looks glamourous and me...I am trying to spot the highlights. Emm is beckoned (poor thing she came so quick, thanks for that!!), and she affirms all my fears....can't spot the highlights! 'why didn't you get an auburn?', says she. Oh well. What can I say.... I entrusted my hair to the experts! and Brown is in this season (and if you don't believe me, check with Kareena Kapoor in the Garnier adverts). If only I could SEE it!
Well, dah-lings, we
did spot the elusive highlights eventually. And they
do look quite nice, albeit very 'subtle'. But the best part is yet to come. The bill. I scramble around in my purse, frantically marshalling all my financial resources (which apart from my mother's money equals my friend who is getting her hair done RED - red u hear, a colour you can SEE).
I managed to get together 1450. Aah, fine, am safe. HA! As safe as your back is on a Pune road! As if there aren't enough embarassing (self-induced) moments in my life, the lady shows me the magic figure ...1500. Jeeez! As pink as I can get, I have to explain the situation to her. She graciously waves away (not waives) my excuses and is ok with me paying the balance tomorrow. Now how do I explain to her that I am already paying through my nose!!!!
Main apni maa ko kya mooh dikhaoongi! (How shall I face my Mother?)
Result: God's glory....Mother is ok with hair (trick: do not say the figure out loud,
never utter it), says it knocked a couple of years off my face. I still catch myself trying to spot the colour, and Emm, sweetheart that she is, says my haircut is 'glamourous'. At least she can fib well!