Monday, October 17, 2005

Meeting the Parents

Sunday, 9th October 2005:

This was easily one of the most important days of my life. I finally met the parents of The Boy Who Will Not Be Named As Yet, lets just call him Bee for the sake of my convenience.

If I had to be my usual cynical self, I’d say it was an interview for the post of their daughter-in-law. Only it wasn’t. They were just sooo wonderful. The mother esp. - such a dear soul. I am lucky.

And I categorically choose to turn my back on the endless tirade of doomsday predictions meted out by my Soothsayer Don’t Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch Mom. Maybe she has a point, but I am too happy to care.


AnshulJ said...

does he floss?

Emm said...

@ads- welcome to blogsville guruji. out of curiosity, how did you locate us?

and my dear, this is not the end, this is the beginning! if it weren't, then it would be the end of something.

urja sends you her good wishes. btw, who is urja? ...don't answer that, not here...

@anshul- nope, he does not floss. like you, for him too floss = gross :|