Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Number of sounds one can make...

...using just the throat. And maybe the nose. Sans tongue and teeth and lips.

1) a noise that sounds like 'hmm' indicating yes.

2) a noise that sounds like 'um-hmm' indicating no.

...'n' no. of noises which are purely gut-wrenching-grunts-of-pain.

Back from another visit to la dentist. :(


AnshulJ said...

If only you children would listen - brush twice a day and bathe once a week.. things wouldn't be this bad..

unless you were having your teeth straightened :)

Emm said...

If only brushing twice a day were enough! Other paraphernalia such as dental floss, etc. are apparently quite important.

AnshulJ said...

I've never flossed in my life! What's wrong with your teeth eh? C'mon c'mon.. let the world know.. ;)

Emm said...

Cavities my dear freind, that's what's wrong. And you've never ever flossed in your life?? Then maybe what's wrong with my teeth will soon catch up with you...

Emm said...

'friend' not 'freind'... or was it 'fiend'? :P

AnshulJ said...

I suffer from Wisdom teeth. No I've never flossed. Never. Ever. I have to go clean my teeth once a year maybe for tartar (I love the name - sounds like a delicacy - who comes up with these names anyway??) deposits. My biggest cavity is the one in my head - and no dentist can do anything about it!

What's flossing by the way? When you take a piece of string and put it between your teeth? Gross..

Arun said...

uh.. excuse me for barging in. Ya I never flossed either, but I clean my teeth at the dentists once every 6 months(at least I try to). And anshul, you are darn good at self-deprecating comments. :D.. But I agree with you on the flossing thingy. I can think of better use for strings, like the G-string maybe. ;) Strings become more attractive when its between something else other than teeth.

Emm said...

I don't know if its a delicacy but Tartar is actually something that one can eat - Tartar sauce anyone?

And c'mon guys, flossing is good for your teeth. And its not gross. It makes me think of Pretty Woman...

AnshulJ said...

haha.. look at woman with cavities giving advice about flossing :p

Aarti never flosses ever either. So you've been unflossed 3-1.

I hope that Tartar sauce does not consist of tartar.. otherwise.. chhee yuck...

Mr. Arun, I completely agree with you - strings have a purpose for better things in life.. guitars, violins, bottoms... but teeth?