Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Share of the Revival

This is so cool that after a long hiatus, we finally are back in action! And while we are still talking about action, let me share my thoughts on superheroes...I was never a big fan, per say, but I did not mind watching an occasional movie or a cartoon, like 'Spider man' that used to air on DD, back in the good old days. As far as reading superhero comics, uh uh, never was attracted towards them. I was more of a 'Panchatantra' type comic fan. 'Archie' comics was also a favourite. That was then, but today I actually enjoy watching movies like 'Alien Vs. Predator', 'Star wars' and their kind. Thanks to my husband, I was properly initiated into this world of complex terms and complex plots. I confess, there still are times when I don't follow a word of whats happening, but then what are husbands for ? ;) Recently, I have started watching the famous 'Dr. Who' and I am not complaining.
I also love the supernatural stuff, the current favourite being, 'Ghost Whisperer'. This list also includes 'Bewitched' and 'Sabrina- the teenage witch' and of course, 'Harry Potter'. Never really got the whole concept of 'Lord of the rings '! I must be really dumb!!
But I thoroughly enjoy my world of 'Gilmore Girls', 'Scrubs','Friends','Animated movies' and of course, 'Food network'. Its always my first choice if I have to spend my evening watching TV. But enough about me, I am just glad that this blog has been revived and I have done my part in the process. Yay!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Revival Post

I felt like this poor blog of mine was being treated like a stepchild - considering that my other page gets the few and far between posts. So it was a great opportunity when Emm commented on the last post on Trivial Pursuits, which in her words could "easily win the prize for the mini post-masquerading-as-a-comment of the year".

Here is your prize sweetie - the comment finally gets its due as a post, yay!

It was eons ago that I posted anything on blogger, comments even... I would love to check out the new blogger, but alas no access to anything remotely interesting from office :(

I am not too enthu about superhero stuff, esp. in movies, esp. the gooey kind. I much prefer the comic books - spiderman, superman, he-man even. remember he-man, the blunt-cut blond master of the universe? i thought the whole thing was quite silly but I read it nonetheless.

In my case it was my bro who introduced me to this genre (in return I helped him discover the Archie comics :P). Thanks to him I ended up reading a whole lot of He-man, Phantom-Mandrake-Flash Gordon (these hunky guys were my favorite), the other Indrajal comic un-supernatural heros - Rip Kirby, Mike don't-remember-his-last-name (he was another hunky, soccer star like, but kind of dimwitted foolhardy type - his stories were amazing fun though) - my bro had inherited a huge collection of Indrajal comics from an older cousin. Then there were these WW II comics and a huge collection of Dr. Who's. Dint i ever pass on any Dr. Who books to you when we were in college, Vee? I am mighty surprised if I didn't... anyways, i totally dig Dr. Who. And whats those aliens thingits that he fights with? Daleks right? ooh I would love to see the Dr. Who series. I have a very faint memory of watching something like a Dr. Who movie - was there ever a Dr. Who movie? Or maybe its just my very graphic imagination :D

And I totally dig harry potter - even though hubby and bro kid me that its meant for the kids. They prefer Lord of the Rings - my bro can give a raving-ranting sermon on the book/movies. But at the risk of sounding blasphemous, I have to say that I just don't get it - neither the book, nor the movies, nor the hullabaloo surrounding it..

As far as movies/ tv shows are concerned - wouldn't you say 'I dream of Jeannie' was a supernatural show? no? i loved that series, bewitched too. Me and bro got hooked to 'Charmed'. 'Smallville', a fave of bro, never did impress me much - I ridiculed him watching Smallville in much the same way that I ridiculed him watching 'The Gilmore Girls' - those are so not the kind of shows I expected him to watch. I did like 'Lost' tho, but its more of a thriller than a supernatural. Right now I can't get enough of 'Heroes'.

Also though I didn't think much of the movies when they were first released, I never miss them on cable - the Spideman series, Batman movies, X-men (I looove wolverine), Men in black, the Pirates (I am not a huge Johnny Depp fan, but I will watch it again and again and yet again only for captain jack sparrow) and Harry potter too. One sci-fi movie that I really don't like watching is Jurassic park - can't pin point the reason, but I just don't like the entire series. another really confusing movie is the Matrix. Ditto its sequels. I drove my bro nuts with my questions while watching the Matrix triology. I saw a supernatural flick called 'Constantine' (Keanu Reeves again) on cable recently - I thought that was quite interesting. A fun time-travel film series is 'Back to the Future'. But I think one of the best, must-watch time-travel movies is '12 monkeys' (Bruce Willis) - you must see it, if you already haven't - its one of those rare sci-fi movies with hardly any special effects and a great plot.

With this very, very long comment you might actually think that i am in fact a sci-fi/supernatural movie fan - but can one really be a true fan if they haven't ever seen any Star Wars movie or Star Trek? i haven't. Well but you know, I am a huge movie/tv fan in general - I can sped hours together in front of a screen - you already know that :)


Well, Emm, as you can see I have faithfully reproduced your comments - just putting in some Capital letters and apostrophes. Keep musing, and keep writing :D