Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Share of the Revival

This is so cool that after a long hiatus, we finally are back in action! And while we are still talking about action, let me share my thoughts on superheroes...I was never a big fan, per say, but I did not mind watching an occasional movie or a cartoon, like 'Spider man' that used to air on DD, back in the good old days. As far as reading superhero comics, uh uh, never was attracted towards them. I was more of a 'Panchatantra' type comic fan. 'Archie' comics was also a favourite. That was then, but today I actually enjoy watching movies like 'Alien Vs. Predator', 'Star wars' and their kind. Thanks to my husband, I was properly initiated into this world of complex terms and complex plots. I confess, there still are times when I don't follow a word of whats happening, but then what are husbands for ? ;) Recently, I have started watching the famous 'Dr. Who' and I am not complaining.
I also love the supernatural stuff, the current favourite being, 'Ghost Whisperer'. This list also includes 'Bewitched' and 'Sabrina- the teenage witch' and of course, 'Harry Potter'. Never really got the whole concept of 'Lord of the rings '! I must be really dumb!!
But I thoroughly enjoy my world of 'Gilmore Girls', 'Scrubs','Friends','Animated movies' and of course, 'Food network'. Its always my first choice if I have to spend my evening watching TV. But enough about me, I am just glad that this blog has been revived and I have done my part in the process. Yay!!!

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